Daniel Anthony - Azstar78


"Daniel Anthony St. George 2nd, a.k.a. the artist
formerly also known as AZStar78, is a painter
currently living and working in Brooklyn. However
he has also lived in Los Angeles, England, Tampa
and San Francisco during the course of his 30-
some odd years on the planet Earth. His body of
work encompasses thousands of drawings,
paintings, prints, and self published books/zines.
DSG2 is a self taught artist who has been drawing
since childhood; his work is intensely personal and
deeply autobiographical.
He has been an art director, designed his own line
of clothing called Spiked Punch, and worked with
the likes of Stussy, Typestereo, 111 Minna Gallery,
Giant Robot and Jeremyville. His plans include
creating installations and moving sculptures, which
will allow the viewer to physically enter the realm
of his experience, and printing limited edition silk
screened art books. DSG2 is also extremely fond of
black teas and rainy nights."

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